Chart: Sysdig Stackdriver Bridge

Sysdig Stackdriver Bridge is an extension of the Sysdig tool that reads audit logs from Stackdriver, reformats them to match the Kubernetes-native format, and sends the logs to a configurable webhook and to the Sysdig agent service.

This chart adds the Sysdig Stackdriver Bridge application into a cluster using a simple Deployment with a ConfigMap.


Install the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

  1. Add the sysdiglabs Helm chart repository.

     $ helm repo add sysdiglabs
  2. Install sysdig-stackdriver-bridge:

     $ helm install --name my-release sysdiglabs/sysdig-stackdriver-bridge

When done, the application should be running within your cluster if properly configured.

Tip: List all the releases using the helm list command.

Verify the Integrity and Origin

Sysdig Helm Charts are signed so you can verify the integrity and origin of each chart. To verify the chart:

Import the Public Key

$ curl -o "/tmp/sysdig_public.gpg" ""
$ gpg --import /tmp/sysdig_public.gpg

Verify the Chart

To check the integrity and the origin of the charts you can now append the --verify flag to the install, upgrade, and pull helm commands.


You can use the Helm chart to update the default Sysdig Stackdriver Bridge configurations by using either of the following:

Using the Key-Value Pair

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to the helm install command.

For example:

$ helm install --name my-release \
    --set bridge.forwardURL=FOO,bridge.pollInterval=60s \

Using values.yaml

The values.yaml file specifies the values for the Sysdig Stackdriver Bridge configuration parameters. You can add the configuration to the values.yaml file, then use it in the helm install command.

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml sysdiglabs/sysdig-stackdriver-bridge

Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Sysdig Stackdriver Bridge chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image to use with Stackdriver bridge application. sysdiglabs/stackdriver-webhook-bridge
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
image.tag Image tag to pull. v0.0.7-a4d6ade
settings.forwardURL The destination for converted audit events. http://sysdig-agent.sysdig-agent.svc.cluster.local:7765/k8s_audit
settings.projectID Read Stackdriver logs from this project id. If blank, the bridge will use the metadata service to find the project id. nil
settings.clusterID Read Stackdriver logs for this GKE cluster. If blank, the bridge will use the metadata service to find the cluster name. nil
settings.logFile If provided, also write all log entries to this file. nil
settings.outFile If provided, write all converted k8s audit events to this file. nil
settings.pollInterval Poll interval for new Stackdriver log messages. 5s
settings.lagInterval When reading Stackdriver log messages, read this many seconds behind “now” when reading. 30s
settings.logLevel Log level. info
secret.create If set to true, the chart will generate a Secret that matches the value of bridge.secretName. false This will set the value key.json in the created Secret. Contents of the GCP IAM Service Account that was created for Sysdig to access Stackbridge. nil Name of the Secret that contains the json data for the GCP IAM account for use with the Stackdriver bridge application. stackdriver-webhook-bridge
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
annotations Pod annotations {}
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


For getting support from the Sysdig team, see Sysdig Support page.