Cluster Shield

Sysdig Cluster Shield.
This chart deploys the Sysdig Cluster Shield in your Kubernetes cluster.


This chart deploys the Sysdig Cluster Shield as a Deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Installing the Chart

To install the chart create a values.yaml file. Set your values and decide which features you would like to enable.

        name: <your-cluster-name>
            enabled: true
            enabled: true
            enabled: true
            enabled: true
        api_url: <your-api-url>
        secure_api_token: <your-secure-api-token>
        access_key: <your-access-key>

Then, to install it with the release name sysdig-cluster-shield, run:

$ helm upgrade --install --atomic --create-namespace \
    -n sysdig-agent \
    -f values.yaml \
    sysdig-cluster-shield \

The command deploys the Sysdig Cluster Shield on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the sysdig-cluster-shield:

$ helm uninstall sysdig-cluster-shield -n sysdig-agent

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cluster-shield chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default The name of the cluster. Make sure to set a unique value for all the clusters being inspected. ""
global.proxy.httpProxy Sets the HTTP Proxy address.
global.proxy.httpsProxy Sets the HTTPS Proxy address.
global.proxy.noProxy Sets IPs/URLs that should not pass trough a Proxy Server.,localhost,.local,.internal
global.image.pullSecrets The pull secrets used for the Cluster Shield container image []
global.image.pullPolicy The pull policy for the Cluster Shield container image IfNotPresent
global.sysdig.accessKeySecret An existing secret containing the Sysdig Agent Access Key
global.sysdig.accessKey The Sysdig Agent Access Key
global.sysdig.apiHost The Sysdig Agent API Hostname
global.sysdig.region Region name for Sysdig. When no region is suitable (e.g. on-premise installations) set the value to “custom” "custom"
global.sysdig.secureAPITokenSecret An existing secret containing the Secure API token to access Sysdig Secure. (needed only with on-premise installations)
global.sysdig.secureAPIToken The Secure API token to access Sysdig Secure. (needed only with on-premise installations)
global.sysdig.tags Tags you want to apply to the metadata sent to the Sysdig BE. They are used for instance as additional labels to the KSM metrics, with format `agent_tag_ {}
global.gke.autopilot If true, overrides the Cluster Shield configuration to run on GKE Autopilot clusters. false
global.imageRegistry The image registry configuration
global.sslVerifyCertificate Define if the certificate should be verified true A PEM-encoded x509 certificate. This can also be a bundle with multiple certificates. [] Filename that is used when creating the secret. Required if certs is provided. null Provide the name of an existing Secret that contains the CA required null Provide the filename that is defined inside the existing Secret null Provide the name of an existing ConfigMap that contains the CA required null Provide the filename that is defined inside the existing ConfigMap null The name of the cluster. Make sure to set a unique value for all the clusters being inspected.
cluster_shield.cluster_config.tags Tags you want to apply to the metadata sent to the Sysdig BE. They are used for instance as additional labels to the KSM metrics, with format `agent_tag_ {}
cluster_shield.log_level The log level for the Cluster Shield application warn
cluster_shield.monitoring_port The port that the Cluster Shield will use to expose probes and metrics 8080
cluster_shield.sysdig_endpoint.access_key The Sysdig Agent Access Key
cluster_shield.sysdig_endpoint.api_url The Sysdig Agent API URL
cluster_shield.sysdig_endpoint.secure_api_token The Sysdig Secure API Token
cluster_shield.sysdig_endpoint.region Region name for Sysdig. When no region is suitable (e.g. on-premise installations) set the value to “custom”
cluster_shield.kubernetes.root_namespace The system namespace of your Kubernetes cluster kube-system
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.enabled Enable the admission control feature false
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.deny_on_error Deny the admission of the pod if an error occurs false
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.dry_run Enable the dry run mode true
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.timeout The timeout for the admission control feature 5
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.http_port The port that will be used to expose admission control endpoints 8443
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.excluded_namespaces The list of namespaces to exclude from the admission control feature []
cluster_shield.features.admission_control.container_vulnerability_management.enabled Enable the container vulnerability management feature on the admission control false
cluster_shield.features.audit.enabled Enable the Kubernetes Audit feature false
cluster_shield.features.audit.http_port The port that will be used to expose the audit endpoints 6443
cluster_shield.features.audit.timeout The timeout for the audit feature 5
cluster_shield.features.audit.excluded_namespaces The list of namespaces to exclude from the audit feature []
cluster_shield.features.posture.enabled Enable the posture feature false
cluster_shield.features.container_vulnerability_management.enabled Enable the container vulnerability management feature false
cluster_shield.features.container_vulnerability_management.in_use.enabled Allows to retrieve the list of running packages. true
cluster_shield.features.container_vulnerability_management.in_use.integration_enabled Allows to store the list of running packages to Sysdig backend. false
cluster_shield.features.container_vulnerability_management.local_cluster.registry_secrets Restrict access to specific Docker secrets when Cluster Scanner is running. The default behavior is listing all secrets. []
cluster_shield.features.container_vulnerability_management.platform_services_enabled Define if the platform services are enabled true
cluster_shield.features.container_vulnerability_management.registry_ssl.verify If set to false it allows insecure connections to registries, Such as for registries with self-signed or private certificates. true
cluster_shield.features.kubernetes_metadata.enabled Enable the Kubernetes Metadata feature false
ca.certs A PEM-encoded x509 certificate. This can also be a bundle with multiple certificates. []
ca.keyName Filename that is used when creating the secret. Required if certs is provided. null
ca.existingCaSecret Provide the name of an existing Secret that contains the CA required null
ca.existingCaSecretKeyName Provide the filename that is defined inside the existing Secret null
ca.existingCaConfigMap Provide the name of an existing ConfigMap that contains the CA required null
ca.existingCaConfigMapKeyName Provide the filename that is defined inside the existing ConfigMap null
run_command The command executed by the Cluster Shield POD "run-all-namespaced"
image.registry The Sysdig Registry Scanner image registry.
image.repository The Cluster Shield container image repository sysdig/cluster-shield
image.pullPolicy The Cluster Shield container image pull policy
proxy.httpProxy Sets the HTTP Proxy address.
proxy.httpsProxy Sets the HTTPS Proxy address.
proxy.noProxy Sets IPs/URLs that should not pass trough a Proxy Server.
imagePullSecrets The Cluster Shield container image pull secrets []
probes.liveness.initialDelaySeconds The liveness probe initial delay 5
probes.liveness.periodSeconds The liveness probe period 5
probes.readiness.initialDelaySeconds The readiness probe initial delay 10
probes.readiness.periodSeconds The readiness probe period 5
podAnnotations Additional pod annotations {}
podLabels Additional pod labels {}
service.type The Cluster Shield service type ClusterIP
service.monitoring_port The Service port used to expose probes and metrics
service.admission_control_port The Service port used to expose admission control endpoints
service.audit_port The Service port used to expose audit endpoints
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true The name of the service account to use.
serviceAccount.labels Additional service account labels {}
serviceAccount.annotations Additional service account annotations {}
resources   {}
priorityClassName Set Cluster Shield deployment priorityClassName
createPriorityClass Specifies whether a PriorityClass should be created false
priorityClassValue Set Cluster Shield deployment priorityClassValue 10
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
replicaCount The number of replicas for the Cluster Shield deployment 2
updateStrategy.type The update strategy for the Cluster Shield deployment RollingUpdate
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate The rolling update strategy for the Cluster Shield deployment {}
onPremCompatibilityVersion Optional parameter used to check the compatibility of cluster-shield component versions with the on-premised backend version. If you are running an on-prem version of the Sysdig backend, you MUST set this parameter with the version of Sysdig backend you are using. If you are runinng on SaaS, do NOT provide this parameter.
hostNetwork Specifies if Cluster Shield should be started in hostNetwork mode. This field is required if you are using a custom CNI where the control plane nodes are unable to initiate network connections to the pods, for example, using Calico CNI plugin on EKS. false
dnsPolicy Define Cluster Shield Pods DNS Policy Provide the name of an existing Secret that contains the TLS certificate required
existingTLSSecret.tlsCertName Provide the certificate filename that is defined inside the existing Secret (default tls.crt)
existingTLSSecret.tlsCertKeyName Provide the certificate key filename that is defined inside the existing Secret (default tls.key)
existingTLSSecret.caCertName Provide the certificate authority filename that is defined inside the existing Secret (default ca.crt)
env Optional parameter used to add environment variables to the Cluster Shield pods []
volumes Optional parameter to specify additional host volumes for the Cluster Shield pods []
volumeMounts Optional parameter to specify additional volume mounts for the Cluster Shield pods []

Running helm unit tests

The sysdiglabs/charts repository uses the following helm unittest plugin:

You can test the changes to your chart by running the test suites as follows:

make test

The helm unit tests are in the tests folder. It is recommended to add new tests as new features are added here.