Cloud Connector


This chart deploys Sysdig Cloud Connector on your Kubernetes cluster, enabling Threat Detection and Image Scanning for the AWS, GCP, and Azure Cloud providers.

Use Cloud Connector only if your Sysdig representative recommends it to you. For the official installation instruction, see Install Sysdig Secure for Cloud .



To install the chart:

helm repo add sysdig
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install cloud-connector sysdig/cloud-connector \
     --create-namespace -n cloud-connector --version=0.8.8  \
     --set sysdig.secureAPIToken=<SECURE_API_TOKEN>

The command deploys the Sysdig Cloud Connector on the Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration. The configuration section lists the additional parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: Use helm list -A to list all the releases.


You can use the Helm chart to update the default Cloud Connector configurations by using either of the following:

Using the Key-Value Pair

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to the helm installcommand.

For example:

helm upgrade --install cloud-connector sysdig/cloud-connector \
     --create-namespace -n cloud-connector --version=0.8.8  \
     --set sysdig.secureAPIToken=<SECURE_API_TOKEN>

Using values.yaml

The values.yaml file specifies the values for the agent configuration parameters. You can add the configuration to the values.yaml file, then use it in the helm install command.

For example:

helm upgrade --install cloud-connector sysdig/cloud-connector \
     --create-namespace -n cloud-connector --version=0.8.8  \
    --values values.yaml

See the default values.yaml file for more information.

Verify the integrity and origin

Sysdig Helm Charts are signed so users can verify the integrity and origin of each chart, the steps are as follows:

Import the Public Key

$ curl -o "/tmp/sysdig_public.gpg" ""
$ gpg --import /tmp/sysdig_public.gpg

Verify the chart

To check the integrity and the origin of the charts you can now append the --verify flag to the install, upgrade and pull helm commands.

Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cloud-connector chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount The number of replicas for the Cloud Connector. 1
image.repository Sets the image repository to pull from.
image.pullPolicy Sets the image pull policy. IfNotPresent
image.tag Sets the image tag. Immutable tags are recommended. Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets Specifies the image pull secrets. []
nameOverride Specifies the chart name override. ""
fullnameOverride Specifies the chart full name override. ""
serviceAccount.create Creates the service account. true
serviceAccount.annotations Specifies the additional annotations for serviceAccount. {} Sets the name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. ""
podAnnotations Pod annotations {"":"/metrics","":"5000","":"true"}
podSecurityContext Enables deployment PSPs. {}
securityContext Enables securityContext. {"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true}
service.type Uses this type as a service. ClusterIP
service.port Enables the port for the service. 80
service.labels Specifies the additional labels for the service. {}
resources Enables resource requests and limits. {}
nodeSelector Enables nodeSelector for scheduling. {}
tolerations Sets tolerations for scheduling. []
affinity Enables affinity rules. {}
telemetryDeploymentMethod Enables deployment source for inner telemetry. "helm"
extraEnvVars Specifies additional environment variables to be set. []
aws.accessKeyId Specifies the AWS Credentials AccessKeyID. ""
aws.secretAccessKey Specifies the AWS Credentials: SecretAccessKey. ""
aws.region Specifies the AWS Region. ""
gcpCredentials Specifies the GCP credentials in JSON. ""
azure.eventHubConnectionString Specifies the Azure EventHub connection string. ""
azure.eventGridEventHubConnectionString Specifies the Azure Event Grid EventHub connection string. ""
azure.tenantId Specifies the Azure service principal tenant ID. ""
azure.clientId Specifies the Azure service principal client ID. ""
azure.clientSecret Specifies the Azure service principal client secret. ""
azure.region Specifies the Azure region. ""
sysdig.url Specifies the Sysdig Secure URL. ""
sysdig.secureAPIToken Specifies the API Token to access Sysdig Secure. ""
sysdig.verifySSL Verifies the SSL certificate. true
existingSecretName Provides an existing secret name for the entries it uses. See templates/secret.yaml for more information. ""
rules Specifies the Rules Section for Cloud Connector. []
ingestors Specifies configuration for the threat detection event ingestion. See ingestors for more information. []
scanners Specifies configuration for scanning capabilities. See scanners for more information. []
bruteForceDetection.enabled Enables Brute Force detection. true
bruteForceDetection.duration Specifies a time window for a bruteforce attack try. 24h
bruteForceDetection.maximumTries Specifies the maximum number of tries for a given time window. 10



Specifies where to ingest the events:

#  - aws-cloudtrail-sns-sqs: # Receives CloudTrail events from an SQS queue using the SNS paylaod
#      queueURL:
#      assumeRole: # organizational usage, assumeRole to fetch S3 elements
#      concurrentDownloads: 4
#  - aws-cloudtrail-s3-sns-sqs: # Receives CloudTrail events using s3 events as triggers
#      queueURL:
#      assumeRole: # organizational usage, assumeRole to fetch S3 elements
#      concurrentDownloads: 4
#  - eks: # Enables K8s audit log for EKS clusters
#      cluster: # EKS cluster name to secure
#      interval: 60s
#      tags:
#  - gcp-auditlog: # Polls for GCP auditlog events from StackDriver API
#      project:
#      interval: 90s
#  - gcp-auditlog-pubsub: # Receives GCP AuditLog from a PubSub topic
#      project:
#      subscription:
#  - gcp-gcr-pubsub: # Receives GCP GCR from a PubSub topic
#      project:
#      subscription:
#  - gcp-auditlog-pubsub-http: # Receives GCP AuditLog from a PubSub topic streamed over an HTTP Endpoint
#      url:
#  - gcp-gcr-pubsub-http: # Receives GCR events from a PubSub topic streamed over an HTTP Endpoint
#      url:
#  - azure-event-hub:
#      subscriptionID: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
#  - azure-event-grid:
#      subscriptionID: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444


Specifies the trigger scanners when a new image is detected:

#  - gcp-gcr: # Scan images when a new image is pushed to GCP GCR
#      project:
#      secureAPITokenSecretName:
#      serviceAccount:
#  - gcp-cloud-run: # Scan images when a new image is detected from GCP CloudRun
#    project:
#      secureAPITokenSecretName:
#      serviceAccount:
#  - aws-ecr: # Scan images when a new image is pushed to AWS ECR
#      codeBuildProject:
#      secureAPITokenSecretName:
#      masterOrganizationRole:
#      organizationRolePerAccount:
#  - aws-ecs: # Scan images when a new image is detected in a ECS cluster
#      codeBuildProject:
#      secureAPITokenSecretName:
#      masterOrganizationRole:
#      organizationRolePerAccount:
#  - azure-acr: {} # Scan images when a new image is pushed to Azure container registry
#  - azure-aci: # Scan images when a new image is detected in container instance group
#      subscriptionID: 00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
#      resourceGroup: sfc-resourcegroup # resource group of azure container registry
#      containerRegistry: sfccontainerregistry # container registry name where to run the scan

Usage Examples

See additional examples in the Terraform modules:


Enable debug Logs

To enable debug logs, edit the ConfigMap and terminate the pod or deployment.

    cloud-connector.yaml: |
  <    logging: info
  >    logging: debug

Uninstall the Chart

To uninstall the cloud-connector:

$ helm uninstall cloud-connector -n cloud-connector

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release artifacts.