Cloud Bench

This chart deploys the Sysdig Cloud Bench on your Kubernetes cluster.

⚠️ Deprecated Module
This agent-based version of cloud-bench has been deprecated in favour of an agentless implementation. See for more instructions for its installation at Sysdig Secure for cloud - CSPM/Compliance with CIS AWS Benchmarks

Installing the Chart

Add Sysdig Helm charts repository and deploy the chart:

$ helm repo add sysdig

$ helm install --create-namespace -n cloud-bench cloud-bench -f values.yaml sysdig/cloud-bench

Verify the integrity and origin

Sysdig Helm Charts are signed so users can verify the integrity and origin of each chart, the steps are as follows:

Import the Public Key

$ curl -o "/tmp/sysdig_public.gpg" ""
$ gpg --import /tmp/sysdig_public.gpg

Verify the chart

To check the integrity and the origin of the charts you can now append the --verify flag to the install, upgrade and pull helm commands.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Sysdig Cloud Bench chart and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Amount of replicas for Cloud Bench 1
image.repository The image repository to pull from sysdiglabs/cloud-bench
image.pullPolicy The image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag The image tag latest
imagePullSecrets The image pull secrets []
nameOverride Chart name override ` `
fullnameOverride Chart full name override ` `
serviceAccount.create Create the service account true
serviceAccount.annotations Extra annotations for serviceAccount {} Use this value as serviceAccount Name ` `
podAnnotations Dictionary of additional pod annotations { "true", "/metrics", "7000"}
podSecurityContext Configure deployment PSP’s {}
securityContext Configure securityContext {}
service.type Use this type as service ClusterIP
service.port Configure port for the service 80
tolerations Tolerations for scheduling []
affinity Configure affinity rules {}
aws.access_key_id AWS Credentials AccessKeyID ` `
aws.secret_access_key AWS Credentials: SecretAccessKey ` `
aws.region AWS Region ` `
sysdig.secureApiToken API Token to access Sysdig Secure ` `
existingSecretName Provide an existing secret name (see details in values.yaml) instead of creating a new one from provided values ` `
secureURL Sysdig Secure URL
logLevel Log Level debug
schedule Schedule 24h
bechmarkType Benchmark Type aws
outputDir Output dir /tmp/cloud-custodian
policyFile Policy fil /home/custodian/aws-benchmarks.yml

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install my-release \
    --set sysdig.secureApiToken=YOUR-KEY-HERE \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install my-release -f values.yaml sysdig/cloud-bench